17/02/2016 Wednesday
As part of Christ’s Episcopal Church lent program we gathered for tea followed by Communion. The sermon took the form of a talk by David Pate, a retired major and member of the church, on War, Religion and the Worried – what is a just war? He argued that war was unholy and in the realm of politics and not religion. War could only be decided by heads of state because of this. This is counter to Thomas Aquinas’ view who said that only the Pope could decide on war and this would make it a holy war. David said that it was his view that war was necessary at times. There was a lot more to what David had to say but it was delivered at break-neck speed because of a time restraint. This was a pity for a complex subject like this.
After the meeting we offered the possibility of looking at David Stevens’ bible study “Breaking the reciprocity of conflict”. Watch this space!