08/03/2016 Tuesday
The Principal of St. Philip’s College, Dr Adena Loston, invited Andy & Mary Lynn Hill and ourselves to the annual awards dinner of the United Communities of San Antonio (UCSA). Four people, including Dr Loston, were given Brotherhood/Sisterhood Humanitarian Awards at the ceremony.
UCSA is a charitable organisation that takes a stand against bullying, bias, prejudice and racism in all forms. It has a particular focus on young people. In her address the organisation’s Chair, Megan Fisher Kruger, talked particularly about three of its programmes: Cyberbullying, the Youth programme in schools and summer camps for leadership. There certainly appeared to be a lot of similarities with what Corrymeela and other organisations in N.I. are doing.
The four people receiving awards included: Dr Loston, Principal of St. Philip’s College, Sheriff Susan Pamerlau, Major General Joe Robles and Dr Alice Viroslav. They are all involved in developing community in their different ways. Susan Pamerlau is the first woman to be elected Sheriff of Bexar (pronounced bear) County.
MG Joe Robles told how he experienced racism when as a young soldier he was thrown out of restaurants because they deemed him but because they deemed him native american because of his high cheek bones. He is in fact white.
Dr Loston told a story from her childhood. Her father was a fully qualified plumber who ran his own business serving largely white customers. He instructed his children to write down everything that was said to them when customers called to ask for his services. This included any name calling including the “n” word. On going out to the jobs he took the child who had taken the original message with him. On completion of the work he informed the customer that they were getting a very special price. Of course the customers were pleased about this but what they did not know was that the price increased according to how badly they had spoken to the children. Customers who had treated his children with respect were surprised, pleased and curious when he told them that there would be no charge!